Tickets Ambacht in Beeld Festival Brussels 2024
Tickets sale start March 1, 2024 at 10:00 AM.
Tickets for workshops and masterclasses
Tickets for all workshops and masterclasses can be purchased online from March 1, 2024, via the ‘buy tickets’ buttons on the program page.
During the festival you can buy tickets on site, online or at our ticket & information desk (pin only).
We advise you to buy your tickets during presale, so that you are secured of a place.
If something goes wrong when purchasing tickets online, please send an email to tickets [@]
Take your purchased ticket (hard copy or digital) to the festival and show the ticket at the workshop/masterclass. Did you buy a ticket online, but are you unable to print it? Then show the barcode on your phone. All tickets have a unique barcode and are scanned on the spot.
Cancellation policy
We cannot return purchased tickets. The tickets are not in your name, so you can pass them on to someone else.
The visit to the festival is at your own risk; the organization is not liable for damage, for example as a result of injury or theft. Participation in workshops and masterclasses is at your own risk. Parents/guardians are responsible for their children at all times. Click here for the event rules (in Dutch).